
Treasure planet battle at procyon mods
Treasure planet battle at procyon mods

treasure planet battle at procyon mods

If the maximum number of ships is reached in the fleet customisation screen, the player cannot purchase any more, even if they still have enough Victory Points to buy more ships. The maximum fleet size for each player in open skirmishes can be set between 1 and 10.

treasure planet battle at procyon mods

This is most noticeable when the player is given a Fast Frigate, which comes with a Heavy Plasma Cannon by default, but if the player switches the Heavy Plasma Cannon for a different weapon on hard mode, they cannot get it back. Arbitrary Equipment Restriction: The player is not able to buy Heavy Plasma Cannons in the campaign when the difficulty is set to hard, despite the Royal Navy normally having access to Heavy Plasma Cannons.Ambadassador: The Procyon Ambassador, Evar, was an Admiral in the Procyon Navy during the Terran-Procyon War before becoming the Procyon Ambassador.Alpha Strike: The player has the option to command all ships in their fleet to fire at the same target.All Your Base Are Belong to Us: The final mission takes place during an attack on the Royal Parliament by the Procyons, who had managed to reach the Parliament with no resistance due to most of the Royal Navy being sent to the frontier to defend against the Ironclads.Aliens of London: The Procyons speak with a Russo-German accent.'Open' maps allow much greater freedom in customising the scenario, as the player is allowed to choose what ships are in their fleet, as well as how many 'players' participate in the scenario. These maps do not allow the player to customise the fleet, but they do allow the player to play as any side.

treasure planet battle at procyon mods

'Historical' maps take place either during the Terran-Procyon War, or recount various Pirate raids or Ironclad sightings. In addition to the campaign, the game also has a 'skirmish' mode, which allows the player to play as either the Royal Navy, Pirates, Procyons or Ironclads in either 'historical' or 'open maps.

Treasure planet battle at procyon mods